Simple Saturday: Halloween Edition


Halloween is officially this upcoming Wednesday, which meant that most of the Halloween parties went down this weekend. With Pittsburgh playing nice, there were plenty of interesting things to see…but I’ll start with earlier in the week.

Expensive A$$ Costumes

Growing up, we celebrated Halloween a lot (before my mother passed at least) and I do not remember costumes costing so freaking much. While out with my home girl looking for costumes, we found a shop offering 50% off sales…and they were needed. Some of the costumes were incredibly basic (thin piece of cloth and a sash) but upwards of $75. Why in the world would I pay that much for something I can pretty much only wear once and will probably find someone with the exact same thing on…#NowWeDontDoThatNo. Needless to say, I didn’t pay that damn much, and neither did she, but it definitely was an eye-opening moment

Get Naked

For women, this holiday is difficult (as my home girl stated) because you have to be cute, sexy, and unique all while trying to not spend a ton of money basically what you should be striving to do on a daily basis any damn way but I digress. Usually this means nakedness. In fact, many of the costumes at the store were intended for adult “role play” sessions (think Trey Songz and Ginuwine).

Of course this matriculated into what I would imagine Big Sean’s “Ass” video would play out in the real world (I am not complaining AT ALL). As great as it can be, this also leads me to…

Everything aint for everybody

Now…I will say this as nicely as possible…”if it doesn’t fit, then you must acquit!” Ladies, and gentlemen, please oh please stop wearing stuff that does not fit, or flatter your body type. Halloween is a time to have fun, not try to squeeze into a size into something two sizes too small. This is also not the time to try to wear something curvy and YOU HAVE NO CURVES!!!

Dudes…Rick Ross is the only guy that can rock his titties with the taco meat and that is only because no one seems to have the balls to check him on this crap so just let it go.

So, next year, have fun and be safe…where something that actually fits and check out the adult store for costume ideas…


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1 Response to Simple Saturday: Halloween Edition

  1. jumpingpolarbear says:

    How strange would it be sitting there as a tourist with no idea about the concept of Halloween :).

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